Teaching and Related Responsibilities
Although all of the categories of professional activity - teaching, research, scholarly/creative contributions, and service - are important, Baylor University has long been recognized as an institution that places the highest value on scholarly teaching and on the faculty's responsibility to students. Faculty members are expected to remain current in their discipline through reading and research, to be well prepared for class, to meet their classes, and to administer examinations at scheduled times. Faculty should also follow all policies and procedures related to:
Registration and Record-Keeping
Office Hours, Exams, and Grading Policies
Honor Code and Academic Appeals
- Honor Code.
- Honor Code Reporting Form (requires login).
- Academic Appeals.
Handling Disruptive Students
- Policy on Classroom Conduct.
- Policy on Threat or Harm to Self or Others.
- Other Student Policies and Procedures that may also be useful.
Student Support