Research Responsibilities
The following “Statement on Scholarly Expectations at Baylor University” was first published in the 2000 Faculty Handbook:
“To maintain its vitality, Baylor University must continually reflect on the mission of the institution and reevaluate institutional goals and objectives. Baylor University has always placed a very high value on scholarly teaching, and this commitment remains unchanged. More recently, the University has increasingly emphasized the importance of other forms of scholarly activity as a means of advancing the University's mission. Such activity broadly defined includes 1) traditional forms of research resulting in discoveries that are publicly disseminated, 2) reflection that creatively integrates ideas, 3) creative performances and productions typically associated with the fine arts, 4) the application of knowledge in solving problems, and 5) research, writings, and presentations that focus on the activity of teaching itself.
"To support an enhanced level of scholarly activity by the faculty as a whole and the dissemination of the results of this activity to relevant communities, the University is committed to locating and providing additional resources. University expectations regarding the types of scholarly activity will necessarily vary depending on available resources, the goals and objectives of the various schools and departments, and the diversity of contributions made to the University by individual faculty members.”
For more information about research responsibilities, faculty members should consult their Departmental Tenure and Promotion Guidelines as well as the University's Tenure Policy, BU-PP 704, and Policy for Promotion of Tenured Faculty, BU-PP 702.