Personal Conduct
Faculty are expected to treat their colleagues and students with respect. In their personal activities and relationships, faculty members should maintain a level of ethical and moral behavior that is supportive of and consistent with the Christian mission of Baylor University. In this regard, sexual misconduct and sexual harassment are not tolerated at Baylor University. Furthermore, it is a violation of University policy for anyone to possess, use, or be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage on the campus or at a University-related activity off-campus or for anyone unlawfully to manufacture, possess, use, sell, transfer, or purchase a controlled substance or illegal drug on or off the campus.
Although faculty may engage in partisan politics on an individual basis, in all correspondence, public statements, and other communications, faculty members should use home addresses and personal stationery and should make no reference to their University affiliation. No member of the University community speaks for any other member in partisan political matters, and the University as an entity must avoid partisan politics to maintain its tax-exempt status.
See Baylor University Personnel Policies 023, 028, 030, 031, 701.