Emeritus Faculty
Faculty who have, by the time of retirement from Baylor University, reached an advanced rank (professor or associate professor; clinical or associate clinical; teaching professor or senior lecturer; librarian or associate librarian) may be considered for the designation of emeritus faculty if they have served twenty or more years of full-time college or university-level service with at least the last ten as a faculty member at Baylor and have an established a professional record of distinction. Emeritus Faculty are nominated by their deans to the president through the provost. Dates of service are denoted in parentheses.
Jane Abbott-Kirk, M.M., Associate Professor of Keyboard Studies (1973-2018).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.B.A., ibid.
L. Joseph Achor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience (1978-2016).
B.A., U. of California at Los Angeles; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of California at Irvine.
Bill T. Adams, Ph.D., Professor of Physics (1962-2000).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Linda S. Adams, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science (1990-2014).
B.A., U. of South Carolina; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
A. Dale Allen, Ph.D., Professor of Management (1978-2002).
B.S., Indiana U.; M.B.A., ibid.; D.B.A., U. of Colorado; Ph.D., ibid.
Peter Allen, Professor of Geosciences (1978-2020).
B.S., Denison U.; M.S., Baylor U.; Ph.D., Southern Methodist U.
Mark Anderson, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Art History (2010-2020).
B.F.A., U. of Nebraska; M.F.A., Wichita State U.
F. Michael Ard, D.M.A., Professor of Keyboard Studies (1968-2000).
B.M., Morningside College Conservatory of Music; M.M., Indiana U.; D.M.A., U. of Arizona.
Wickramasinghe Ariyasinghe, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics (1988-2021).
B.S., U. of Sri Lanka; M.S, Bowling Green State U.; Ph.D., Baylor U.
David M. Arnold, Ph.D., Ralph Jean Storm Professor of Mathematics (1990-2015).
B.A., Wichita State U., M.A., Western Washington State U.; Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Carolyn A. Backus, D.M.A., Professor of Vocal Studies (1974-2006).
B.M., U. of Illinois; M.S. Music, Juilliard School of Music; D.M.A., U. of Illinois.
Ray Bagby, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship (1988-2020).
B.S., U.S. Military Academy, West Point; M.B.A., U. of South Carolina; Ph.D., ibid.
Robert M. Baird, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Master Teacher (1960-1961, 1968-2014).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., Emory U.
Robert S. Baldridge, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1978-1980† 1980-2019).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.S., Kansas State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
James E. Barcus, Ph.D., Professor of English and Interim Graduate Program Director (1978, 1980).
B.A., Houghton College; M.A., U. of Kentucky; Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania.
James D. Bargainer, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering and Computer Science (1979-1999).
B.S. (E.E.), Lamar U.; M.S. (E.E.), Northwestern U.; Ph.D. (E.E.), U. of Texas.
Lewis M. Barker, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience (1972-2000).
B.A., Occidental College; M.A., Florida State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Madalene R. Barnett, Ph.D., Professor of Communication Disorders (1968-1985).
B.S.Ed., State College, Indiana, Pa.; M.A., Ohio U.; Ph.D., ibid.
E. Jeter Basden, Ed.D., Professor of Religion (1989-2017).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ed.D., U. of North Texas.
Jeff Bass, Ph.D., Professor of Communication (1981-2024).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.S., North Texas State U.; Ph.D., U. of Iowa.
Ronald Beal, LL.M., Professor of Law (1983-2021).
B.A., St. Olaf College; J.D., William Mitchell College of Law; LL.M., Temple U.
Michael Beaty, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy (1987-2024).
B.A., Ouachita Baptist U.; M.A., Baylor U.; Ph.D., U. of Notre Dame.
Rosalie Beck, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Religion (1984-2018).
B.A., U. of California, San Diego; M.Div. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Baylor U.
Weldon E. Beckner, Ed.D., Professor of Educational Leadership (1995).
B.S., Wayland Baptist U.; M.Ed., Texas Tech U.; Ed.D., U. of Colorado.
John S. Belew, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Provost Emeritus (1956-1991).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.S., Wichita State U.; Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin.
William Bellinger, Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (1985-2021).
B.A., Furman U.; M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., U. of Cambridge.
Helen E. Benedict, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology (1981-2014).
B.A., Connecticut College; Ph.D., Yale U.
Greg Benesh, Professor of Physics (1982-2020).
B.A., Rice U.; M.S., Northwestern U.; M.S., Baylor U.; Ph.D., Northwestern U.
Barbara L. Bennett, Ph.D., Professor of Music Education (1969-1996).
B.M.E., Madison College; M.M., Baylor U.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Bruce Berg, D.M.A., Professor of Violin (1994-2020).
B.S., Juilliard School of Music; M.M., ibid; D.M.A., ibid.
Rena Bonem, Ph.D., Professor of Geosciences (1981-2018).
B.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma.
Mary A. Booras, M.A., Associate Professor of Speech Communication (1956-1995).
B.S., Auburn U.; M.A., U. of Alabama.
Jean Ann Boyd, Ph.D., Professor of Music Literature and Director of Academics Studies (1972).
B.M., Baylor U.; M.M., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Walter L. Bradley, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2002-2012).
B.S., U. of Texas, Ph.D., ibid.
Martha J. Bradshaw, Ph.D., Professor of Nursing (2004-2012).
B.S.N., Baylor; M.S.N., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
Susan Bratton, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Science (2001-2023).
B.A., Columbia U.; M.A., Fuller Seminary; Ph.D., Cornell; Ph.D., U. of Texas, Dallas.
James Breckenridge, Ph.D., Professor of Religion (1974-1997).
B.A., Biola College; B.D., California Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., U. of Southern California; Ph.D., ibid.
Roger L. Brooks, Ph.D., Professor of English (1984-1996).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., U. of Illinois; Ph.D., U. of Colorado.
Ellen K. Brown, M.L.I.S., Associate Professor of University Libraries (1976-2010).
B.S., Wayland Baptist College; M.A., Baylor U.; M.L.I.S., U. of Texas.
Lyle C. Brown, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science (1963-1995).
B.A., U. of Oklahoma; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Larry J. Browning, Ed.D., Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (1977-2018).
B.S., Jacksonville State U.; M.A., U. of Alabama, Birmingham; Ph.D., U. of Alabama.
Charlene S. Budd, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting (1973-2005).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.B.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Cynthia A. Burgess, M.L.I.S., Associate Professor of University Libraries and Curator of Books and Printed Materials (1995).
B.S., U. of North Texas; M.L.I.S., U. of Texas.
Kenneth W. Busch, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry (1974-2010).
B.S., Florida Atlantic U.; Ph.D., Florida State U.
Marianna S. Busch, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry (1977-2010).
B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman's College; Ph.D., Florida State U.
Raymond J. Cannon, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1978, 1980-2013).
A.B., College of the Holy Cross; Ph.D., Tulane U.
Michael N. Cassell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting (1980-2008).
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Georgia.
Delton L. Chesser, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting (1985-2005).
B.B.A., U. of Texas; M.B.A., U. of North Texas; Ph.D., U. of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
David Clinton, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science (2006-2024).
B.A., Louisiana State U.; M.A., U. of Virginia; Ph.D., ibid.
Rinn M. Cloud, Ph.D., Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences. (2010-2020)
B.S., Louisiana State U.; M.S., Purdue U.; Ph.D., U. of North Carolina, Greensboro.
Robert Cloud, Ed.D., Professor of Education Administration (1988-2021).
B.S., Howard Payne College; M.S., Baylor U.; M.A., U. of Houston, Clear Lake; Ed.D., Baylor U.
Linda R. Cobbs, M.L.S., Associate Professor of University Libraries (1973-2009).
B.A., Texas Woman’s U.; M.L.S., ibid.
Jack H. Coldiron, M.C.M., Brown Visiting Professor of Voice (1994).
B.M., Stetson U.; M.C.M., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Lane G. Collins, D.B.A., Professor of Accounting (1971).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.B.A., U. of Southern California; D.B.A., ibid.
Betty J. Conaway, Ph.D., Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (1990).
B.S., Indiana State U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., Louisiana State U.
Patricia W. Cook, M.F.A., Professor of Theatre Arts (1963-1999).
B.A., Sul Ross State College; M.A., Columbia U.; M.F.A., U. of Texas.
William F. Cooper, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy (1966-2003).
B.A., Baylor U.; B.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., Baylor U.; Ph.D., Indiana U.
Bruce C. Cresson, Ph.D., Professor of Religion (1966-2000).
B.A., Wake Forest U.; B.D., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.M., ibid.; Ph.D., Duke U.
Vince Cronin, Ph.D., Professor of Geosciences (2002-2022).
B.A., Pamona College; A.M., Dartmouth College; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
James Curry, Ph.D., Professor of Public Policy (1974-2021).
B.A., Tarkio College; M.A., U. of Kansas; Ph.D., ibid.
Wallace L. Daniel, Jr., Ph.D., The Ralph L. and Bessie Mae Lynn Professor of History (1971-2008).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.J., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
Robert F. Darden, III, M.J., Master Teacher and Professor of Journalism, Public Relations and New Media (1999-2022).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., U. of North Texas.
Mary Ellen Davenport, M.S., Assistant Professor of Nursing (1970-1987).
B.S.N., U. of Pittsburgh; M.S., Texas Woman's U.
Charles Davis, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting (2004-2024).
B.B.A., College of William and Mary; M.B.A., U. of Richmond; Ph.D., U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Tommye Lou Davis, M.S., Associate Professor of Classics (1972-2024).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.S., ibid.
William V. Davis, Ph.D., Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence (1977-2015).
B.A., Ohio U.; M.A., ibid.; M.Div. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Ohio U.
Charles J. Delaney, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (1988-2022).
B.A., U. of Rhode Island; M.A., U. of Florida; Ph.D., ibid.
Elizabeth Dell, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of English (2007-2024†).
B.A., Wellesley College; M.F.A., U. of Virginia; M.A., The U. of Texas at Austin; Ph.D., ibid.
Doris A. DeLoach, D.M., Professor of Oboe and Music Theory and Director of Instrumental Studies (1972-2018).
B.M., Florida State U.; M.M.E., George Peabody College; D.M, Florida State U.
Dovalee Dorsett, Ph.D., Professor of Statistics and Quantitative Business Analysis (1985-2005).
B.S., Southern Methodist U.; M.S., ibid., Ph.D., ibid.
Robert T. Doty, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1987-2013).
B.S., U. of Oklahoma; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Steve Driese, Ph.D., Professor of Geosciences. (2004-2022)
B.S., Southern Illinois U.; M.S., U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., ibid.
Manfred Dugas, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1987-2023).
B.S., U. of Essen; M.S., U. of Kaiserslautern; Ph.D., ibid.
Richard E. Duhrkopf, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology (1984-2017).
B.S., The Ohio State U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
John Dunbar, Ph.D., Professor of Geosciences (1994-2020).
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Richard Durán, Ph.D., Professor of French (1983-2021).
B.A., U. of Dallas; M.A., U. of North Texas; Ph.D., Cornell U.
Preston M. Dyer, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work (1969-2009).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.S.W., Louisiana State U; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s U.
Donald R. Edwards, Ph.D., Professor of Management (1981-2000).
B.S., U.S. Military Academy, West Point; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., Arizona State U.
Steven R. Eisenbarth, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1980-2013).
B.S., College of Idaho; M.S., Baylor U.; Ph.D., ibid.
David W. Eldridge, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1968-2011).
B.S., Tennessee Technological U.; M.S., Auburn U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Jim Ellor, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work (2004-2020).
B.A., Kent State U.; M.Div. McCormick Theological Seminary; D. Min., Chicago Theological Seminary; Ph.D., ibid.
Harry Elzinga, Ph.D., Professor of Musicology (1981-2003).
B.S., U. of Wisconsin, River Falls; M.M., Indiana U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Jan Evans, Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures (2002-2023).
B.A., U. of Bridgeport; M.A., Emory U.; Ph.D., Michigan State U.
Stephen Evans, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy (2001-2023).
B.A., Wheaton College; M.Phil., Yale U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Elizabeth Farren, Ph.D., Professor of Nursing (1981-2011).
B.S.N., Northern Illinois U.; M.S.N., U. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Ph.D., U. of North Texas.
Donald R. Farris, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1988-2009).
B.S.E.E., Texas Tech U.; M.S.E.E., Southern Methodist U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Lawrence G. Felice, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology (1970-2005).
A.B., Washington U.; B.D., Eden Theological Seminary; M.A., State U. of New York; Ph.D., Cornell U.
John C. Flynn, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience (1963-1996).
B.S., Pennsylvania State U.; M.A., Ohio State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Karen Fredenburg, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Health, Human Performance and Recreation. (1981-1994, 1997).
B.S., Southwest Texas State U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., Louisiana State U.
M. Lynne Gackle, Ph.D., Professor of Ensembles, Director of Choral Activities, Mary Gibbs Jones Chair in Music (2009-2023).
B.M.E., Louisiana State U.; M.M., U. of Miami; Ph.D., ibid.
Donald L. Gaitros, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1973-2011).
B.S. Western Illinois U.; M.S., U. of Missouri, Rolla; Ph.D., ibid.
Steve Gardner, Ph.D., Professor of Economics (1978-2023).
B.A., U. of Texas; Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley.
David Garland, Ph.D., Professor of Theology, Truett Seminary (1997-2023).
B.A., Oklahoma Baptist U.; M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., ibid.
Linda F. Garner, Ph.D., Professor of Nursing (1970-1974, 1976-2010).
B.S.N., Baylor U.; M.S.N., U. of Minnesota; Ph.D., U. of North Texas.
George Gawrych, Ph.D., Professor of History (2003-2021).
B.A., U. of Michigan; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D, ibid.
Frederick R. Gehlbach, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1963-1995).
B.A., Cornell U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Sandra J. Genrich, Ph.D., Professor of Nursing (1981-2000).
B.S.N., Wayne State U.; M.S.N., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas, Arlington.
William K. Ghee, Ph.D., Professor of Finance and Insurance (1981-1997).
B.S., U. of Kentucky; M.B.A., Syracuse U.; Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania.
W. Hulitt Gloer, Ph.D., Professor of Preaching and Christian Scriptures (2000-2018).
B.A., Baylor Univ.; M.Div., Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
L. Kent Gilbreath, Ph.D., Professor of Economics (1973-2011).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Florida.
Norman L. Gilchrest, Ed.D., Professor of Health, Human Performance and Recreation (1995- 2001).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.S.; ibid.; Ed.D., ibid.
Elizabeth S. Githens, M.A., Professor of English (1945-1969).
B.A., Blue Mountain College; M.A., Baylor U.
Thomas T. Goforth, Ph.D., W. M. Keck Foundation Professor of Geophysics (1987-2007).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.A., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
Clement T. Goode, Ph.D., Professor of English (1957-1997).
B.A., Hendrix College; M.A., Vanderbilt U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Jerry L. Gordon, D.M.A., Associate Professor of Vocal Studies (1973).
B.S. Mus. Ed., U. of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music; M.M., ibid.; D.M.A., ibid.
Paul C. Grabow, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Computer Science (1990).
B.A., Luther College; M.S., Northwestern U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Van Dyke Gray, Ph.D., Professor of Management (2006-2024).
B.S., Houston Baptist U.; M.B.A., U. of North Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
Georgia A. Green, Ph.D., Professor of Music Education (1989).
B.M., Northwestern State U.; B.S., Louisiana State U.; M.M.Ed., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Don Greene, Professor of Geosciences (1979-2022).
B.S, Texas A&M Commerce; M.S., U. of Oklahoma; Ph.D., ibid.
Joel Gregory, Ph.D., Professor of Preaching (2005-2024).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.Div., Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary; M.Th., U. of Oxford; Ph.D., Baylor U.
Earl L. Grinols, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Economics (2004-2022).
B.A., U. of Michigan; B.S., ibid; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Johanna Guenther, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Nursing (1980-2003).
B.A., Case Western Reserve U.; M.L.S., U. of North Texas; Ph.D., U. of North Texas.
David M. Guinn, L.L.M., Professor of Law and Master Teacher (1966-2020).
B.A., Baylor U.; J.D., ibid., L.L.M., U. of Michigan.
Kevin Gutzwiller, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1987-2024).
B.S., U. of Cincinnati; M.S., Pennsylvania State U.; Ph.D., U. of Wyoming.
Delta R. Hafford, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences (1975-1991).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.S., Texas Woman's U.; Ph.D., ibid.
William Hair, M.L.S., Associate Professor and Associate Dean and Director, Central University Libraries (1994-2021).
B.S., U. of Tennessee; M.Div., Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; M.L.S., Vanderbilt U.
Jeff Hamilton, Ph.D., Professor of History (1995-2024).
B.A., Tufts U.; M.A., Emory U.; Ph.D., ibid.
D. Thomas Hanks, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of English and Master Teacher (1976-2017).
B.A., Washington U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Minnesota.
Donald L. Hardcastle, Ph.D., Professor of Physics (1967-2005).
B.S. Texas Tech U. ibid.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
Gary Hardie, Professor of Cello and Coordinator of Strings (1981-2021).
B.S., Duke U.; M.F.A., California Institute of the Arts; D.M.A., U. of Iowa
Helen Harris, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social Work (1997-2020).
B.A. U. of Mary Hardin-Baylor; M.S.W., Our Lady of the Lake U.; Ph.D., U. of Mary Hardin-Baylor.
Thomas Harrison, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Accounting (1985-2005).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.S., Oklahoma State U.; Ph.D., Michigan State U.
Maxine B. Hart, Ed.D., Professor of Information Systems (1971-1999).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.Ed., U. of Arkansas; Ed.D., U. of Houston.
W. Keith Hartberg, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1986-2009).
A.B., Wabash College; M.S., U. of Notre Dame; Ph.D., ibid.
Frauke A. Harvey, Ph.D., Professor of German, Russian, and Japanese (1969- 2003).
B.A., Louisiana State U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Johnny Henderson, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Mathematics (2002-2024).
B.S., U. of Arkansas; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Nebraska.
David Hendon, Ph.D., Professor of History (1977-2020).
B.A., Vanderbilt U.; M.A., Emory U., Ph.D., ibid.
Mary L. Herrington, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (1968-1989).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.S.Ed., ibid.; Ed.D., ibid.
Stephen Heyde, Professor of and Director of Orchestral Activities, The Mary Franks Thompson Professor of Orchestral Studies, and Conductor-in-Residence (1984-2021).
B.M., Capital U.; M.M., Carnegie Mellon U.
Thomas S. Hibbs, Ph.D., Dean Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Culture (2003-2018).
B.A., U. of Dallas; M.A., ibid.; M.M.S., U. of Notre Dame; Ph.D., ibid.
Patricia A. Hickey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics (1965-1992).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
William Hillis, M.D., Professor and The Cornelia Marschall Smith Distinguished Professor of Biology (1981-2012).
B.S., Baylor U., M.D., Johns Hopkins U.
Julia Hitchcock, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Art History (1999-2023).
B.F.A., Arizona State, M.F.A., ibid.
Walter C. Holmes, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1989-2017).
B.S., Louisiana Tech U.; M.B.A., Ph.D., Mississippi State.
Sue Margaret Hughes, Ph.D., Professor of University Libraries (1960-1990).
B.B.A., U. of Texas; M.L.S., Texas Woman’s U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Gary W. Hull, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History (1965-2008).
B.A., Peru State College; M.A., Oklahoma State U.; Ph.D., U. of Maryland.
Maurice Hunt, Ph.D., Professor of English (1981-2024).
B.A., U. of Michigan; M.A., U. of California at Berkeley; Ph.D., ibid.
Charles J. Isoline, Ed.D., Professor of Art (1974-1993).
B.F.A., U. of Illinois; M.A., ibid.; Ed.D., U. of North Texas.
Buford Randall Jean, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2003-2018).
B.S., Texas A&M U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
David L. Jeffrey, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Literature and the Humanities (2000-2018).
B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Princeton U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Baxter Johns, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1971-2016).
B.S., Furman U.; Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.
Susan K. Johnsen, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology (1989-2018).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.Ed., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
Jerry Johnson, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing (1974-2021) .
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.B.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Arkansas.
Pauline T. Johnson, Ph.D., Professor of Nursing (1990-2005).
B.S., Northwestern State U., of Louisiana; M.S.N., ibid.; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s U.
Deborah Johnston, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation (1981-1987, 1988-2021).
B.A., Northwest Missouri State U.; M.S.Ed., Baylor U.; Ed.D., U. of Arkansas.
Dennis Johnston, Ph.D., Professor of Statistical Science (2003-2021).
B.S., U. of Texas, Arlington; M.S., U. of Texas; Ph.D., Texas Tech U.
Joyce Jones, D.M.A., Professor of Organ, The Joyce Oliver Bowden Professor of Music and Organist-in-Residence (1969-2012).
B.M., U of Texas; M.M.; ibid, M.S.M.; Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; D.M.A., U of Texas.
Krassimira Jordan, M.M.A., Professor of Piano (1989-2021).
Diploma, Sofia Conservatory of Music; M.M.A., Vienna Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.
William Jordan, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering (2005-2021).
B.S., Colorado School of Mines; M.S., ibid.; M.A., Denver Seminary; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
Ann W. Karaffa, Ph.D., Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (1981-1997).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., Southern Methodist U.; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s U.
Phyllis S. Karns, Ph.D., Professor of Nursing (1987-2002).
B.S.N., Baylor U.; M.S., U. of Colorado; Ph.D., U. of Wyoming.
Naymond H. Keathley, Ph.D., Professor of Religion (1981-2018).
B.A., Baylor U.; B.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., ibid.
Paul Z. Kemp, M.F.A., Professor of Art (1961-1996).
B.A., New Mexico Highlands U.; M.A., ibid.; M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art.
Diana Kendall, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology (1997-2024).
B.S. English, Hardin Simmons U.; B.S. Speech, ibid.; M.A., Texas Tech U.; Ph.D., The U. of Texas at Austin.
James Kennedy, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Religion (1986-2021).
B.A., Palm Beach Atlantic College; M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.Phil., Drew U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Roger L. Keyes, M.M., Professor of Piano (1965-2000).
B.M., Indiana U.; M.M., ibid.
Roger E. Kirk, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Statistics and Master Teacher (1958-2019).
B.S., Ohio State U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Berry J. Klingman, M.F.A., Professor of Art (1975-2017).
B.F.A., U. of Kansas; M.F.A., Indiana U.
Robert B. Kruschwitz, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy (2000-2016).
B.A., Georgetown College; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Kwang Lee, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2007-2024).
B.S., Seoul National U.; M.S., North Dakota State U.; Ph.D., Michigan State U.
Larry Lehr, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of Environmental Sciences (1990-2024†).
B.B.A., Texas Tech U.; M.S., Baylor U.; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
Dorothy Leidner, Ph.D., Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics (2002-2023).
B.A., U. of Texas, Austin; M.B.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Owen T. Lind, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1966-2016).
B.A., William Jewell College; M.S., U. of Michigan; Ph.D., U. of Missouri.
J. Mark Long, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Baylor Interdisciplinary Core (2001-2023).
B.A., Howard Payne U.; M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Baylor U.
Judith W. Lott, D.S.N., Professor of Nursing (2001-2012).
B.S.N., Valdosta State U.; M.S.N., Troy State U.; D.S.N., U. of Alabama, Birmingham.
Judith R. Lusk, Ph.D., Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences (1986-2011).
B.S., Texas Woman's U.; M.Ed., Sam Houston State U.; Ph.D., Texas Woman's U.
Charles S. Madden, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing (1983-2015).
B.A., Southeastern U.; M.A., U. of Alabama; Ph.D., U. of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Terry Maness, D.B.A., Dean of the Hankamer School of Business and Professor of Finance (1972-2021).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.S., ibid.; D.B.A., Indiana U.
David Mangelsdorff, Ph.D., Professor of Health Administration (1994-2016).
B.A., Dartmouth College.; M.A., St. Mary’s University.; M.P.H., The University of Texas at Houston.; M.A., Ph.D., University of Delaware.
Michael W. Mansfield, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science (1973-2008).
B.S., Oklahoma Christian U. of Science and Arts; M.A., North Texas State U.; Ph.D., U. of Missouri.
Carlos Manzanares, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry (1993-2024).
M.S., Universidad Central de Venezuela; Ph.D., Indiana U.
Brian Marks, D.M.A., Associate Professor of Piano (1991-2024).
B.M., U. of Denver; M.M., The U. of Texas at Austin; D.M.A. ibid.
John D. Martin, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (1998-2017).
B.S., Louisiana Tech U.; M.B.A., ibid.; Ph.D., Texas Tech U.
Philip A. Martin, M.A., Associate Professor of German (1956-1989).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., U. of Texas.
Frank H. Mathis, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1981-2017).
B.S., Southern Methodist U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.
William V. May, Jr., Ph.D. Dean of the School of Music and Professor of Music Education (2000-2015).
B.M.E., Baylor U.; M.M.E., U. of North Texas; Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Dorothy W. McAlister, Ph.D., Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences (1965-1969, 1980- 1996).
B.S., U. of Mary Hardin-Baylor; M.S., Texas Woman’s U.; Ph.D., ibid.
William E. McBride, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1981-2001).
B.A., St. John's U.; M.A., U. of North Dakota; Ph.D., U. of Missouri.
John D. McClanahan, M.F.A., Professor of Art (1976-2010).
B.F.A., Bethany College; M.F.A., U. of Iowa.
Paul A. McCoy, M.F.A., Professor of Art, Ceramist-in-Residence and Director of The Allbritton Art Institute (1986-1987†, 1988-2020).
B.A., Northern Illinois U.; M.A., U. of Iowa; M.F.A., ibid.
Janice M. McCullagh, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Art History and Senior Faculty Member of the Albritton Art Institute (1989-2004).
B.F.A., Drake U.; M.A., U. of Iowa; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Joseph A. McKinney, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of International Economics and Senior Research Fellow in the McBride Center for International Business (1976-2014).
B.A., Berea College; M.A., Michigan State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Martin Medhurst, Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric and Communication (2003-2021).
B.A., Wheaton College; M.A. Northern Illinois U.; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U.
Glenn Miller, Ph.D., Professor of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation (1994-2024).
B.S., West Chester State College; M.Ed., U. of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., U. of New Mexico.
William A. Mitchell, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science (1993-2007).
B.S., Texas A&M U., Commerce; M.A., U. of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Andy J. Moore, Ph.D., Professor of English (1962-2004).
B.A., Mississippi College; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Kris K. Moore, Ph.D., Professor of Statistics and Quantitative Business Analysis (1970-2015).
B.A., U. of Texas; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
Michael D. Morrison, J.D., Professor and The Jo Murphy Chair International Education and the William J. Boswell Professor of Law (1974-2021).
B.A., U. of Oklahoma; J.D., ibid.
Louis Muldrow, J.D., Professor and the Abner V. McCall Professor of Evidence (1986-2000).
B.A., Baylor U.; J.D., ibid.
D.E. Mungello, Ph.D., Professor of History (1994-2017).
A.B., George Washington U.; M.A., U. of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., ibid.
David W. Music, D.M.A., Professor of Academic Studies (2002-2020).
B.A., California Baptist College; M.C.M., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; D.M.A., ibid.
Mary P. Nichols, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science (2004-2017).
B.A., Newcomb College of Tulane U.; M.A., U. of Kansas; Ph.D., U. of Virginia.
Daniel J. Nodes, Ph.D., Professor of Classics (2012-2023).
B.A., St. Peter's College; M.A., U. of New Hampshire; Ph.D., U. of Toronto.
Billie H. Nowlin, Ed.D., Professor of Home Economics (1968-1989).
B.S., U. of North Texas; M.S., ibid.; Ed.D., Texas Woman’s U.
Patrick L. Odell, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1988-2001).
B.S., U. of Texas; M.S., Oklahoma State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Roger Olson, Ph.D., Professor of Theology, Truett Seminary (1999-2021).
B.A., Open Bible College; M.A., North American Baptist Seminary; M.A., Rice U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Pattie Orr, M.Ed., Vice President for Information Technology and Dean of University Libraries (2007-2017).
B.A., Abilene Christian U.; M.Ed., Lesley College.
Dennis O’Neal, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2012-2022).
B.S., Texas A&M U.; M.S., Oklahoma State U.; Ph.D., Purdue U.
Manuel J. Ortuño, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish (1975-2019).
B.A., Ohio State U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Harold W. Osborne, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Master Teacher (1958-2002).
B.A., Ouachita Baptist U.; M.A., Louisiana State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Edwin P. Oxford, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1982-2011).
B.S., Southern Arkansas U.; M.S., Louisiana Tech U.; Ph.D., New Mexico State U.
Don F. Parker, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Geology (1978-2011).
B.S., U. of Texas; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
T. Michael Parrish, Ph.D., Professor of History (2002-2023).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., ibid.; M.L.S., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
Rita A. Patteson, M.L.S., Associate Professor and Director of the Armstrong Browning Library (1995).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.L.S., Texas Woman’s U.
Bob E. Patterson, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Religion (1961-2011).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., ibid.; M.Div. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., ibid.
David E. Pennington, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Master Teacher (1967-2017).
B.A., U. of North Texas; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U.
J. William Petty, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, Holder of The W.W. Caruth Chair of Entrepreneurship, and Master Teacher (1990).
B.S., Abilene Christian U.; M.B.A., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
John L. Pisciotta, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics (1980-2012).
B.A., U. of Colorado; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
William L. Pitts, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Religion (1975-2018).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.Div., Vanderbilt Divinity School; Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.
Robert Piziak, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1981-2008).
B.A., Amherst College; M.A., U. of Massachusetts; Ph.D., ibid.
Lee R. Polk, Ph.D., Professor of Communication (1970-2003).
B.S., U. of North Texas; M.A., Purdue U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Franklin Potts, Ph.D., Professor of Finance (1974-2022).
B.B.A., Baylor U., M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., Louisiana State U.
Tom Potts, Ph.D., Professor of Finance (1975-2022).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
William B. Poucher, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1983-2023).
B.S., Auburn U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Gerald R. Powell, J.D., Professor and the Abner V. McCall Professor of Evidence (1986-2021).
B.A., Baylor U.; J.D., ibid.
J. T. Powers, Ed.D., Professor of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation (1954-1993).
B.S., U. of Texas; M.Ed., ibid.; Ed.D., ibid.
Jeffrey S. Powers, M.M., Professor of Instrumental Studies (2000-2020).
B.A., Austin College; M.M., Cleveland Institute of Music.
Patricia W. Prewitt, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology (1989-2002).
B.A., U. of Texas; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Juanita G. Price, M.S., Associate Professor of Nursing (1964-1966; 1969-1985).
B.A., San Bernardino State College; B.S., U. of California at Los Angeles; M.S., ibid.
Barbara Purdum-Cassidy, Ed.D., Clinical Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction (2003-2024).
B.S., Missouri Valley College.; M.Ed., Baylor U.; Ed.D., ibid.
Robert H. Ray, Ph.D., Professor of English (1967-2014).
B.A., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
William R. Reichenstein, Ph.D., Professor of Finance (1990-2018).
B.A., St. Edwards U., M.A., U. of Notre Dame; Ph.D., ibid.
Richard B. Riley, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science (1979-2009).
B.A., Grove City College; M.A., American U.; Ph.D., Duke U.
David L. Rivers, Ph.D., Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders (1981-2006).
A.B., U. of Kentucky; M.S., Purdue U.; Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.
Robert C. Roberts, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Ethics in Philosophy (2000-2015).
B.A., Wichita State U.; B.D., Yale U.; M.A., Wichita State U.; Ph.D., Yale U.
William C. Robinson, M.M., Associate Professor of Music (1971-1986).
B.M.E., U. of Oklahoma; M.M., ibid.
Tillman B. Rodabough, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology (1972-2006).
B.A., Baylor U.; B.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., Baylor U.; M.A., Cornell U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Helen Denyse Rodgers, M.L.S., Associate Professor of Libraries (1986-2024).
B.A., Austin College; M.L.S., U. of North Texas.
Doug Rogers, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction (1987-2024).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.L.S., East Texas State U.; Ed.D., ibid.
R. Michael Rogers, J.D., Professor of Law (1984-2021).
B.B.A., Texas Tech U.; J.D., U. of Oklahoma.
Howard L. Rolf, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1956-1957, 1964-1998).
B.S., Oklahoma Baptist U.; M.A., Vanderbilt U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Terry M. Roller, M.F.A., Professor of Art (1983-2016).
B.F.A., U. of Tennessee, M.F.A., ibid.
John "J.T." Rose, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (1984-2014).
B.A., Texas A&M U.; M.S., Washington U. in St. Louis; Ph.D., ibid.
Stuart Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy (1981-2020).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., U. of Nebraska; Ph.D., Brown U.
Ann E. Rushing, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1989-2014).
B.A., Duke U.; M.S., U. of Cincinnati; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
Eric C. Rust, Professor of History (1984-2022).
B.A. Wilfrid Laurier U.; M.A., Lamar U.; Ph.D., U. Texas.
Martha L. Sanford, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Nursing (1981-83, 1985-2001).
B.S.N., U. of Texas, Arlington; M.S.N., ibid.; Ph.D., Texas Woman's U.
E. E. Schroeder, M.Ed., Associate Professor of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation (1958-1999).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.Ed., U. of Texas.
Daniel E. Scott, D.Mus., Associate Professor of Voice and Director of Vocal Studies (1973-2013).
B.M., Indiana U.; M.M., ibid.; D. Mus., Northwestern U.
Helen Shanley, M.M., Professor of Music (1969-2011).
B.S., U. of Texas, El Paso; M.M., U. of North Texas.
Richard Shanley, D.M.A., Professor of Music (1969-2011).
B.A., New Mexico State U.; M.M., U. of North Texas; D.M.A., ibid.
Patricia A. Sharp, Ph.D., Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (1979).
B.A., Southwest Texas State U.; M.S.L.S., Columbia U.; Ph.D., U. of Iowa.
Mary Margaret Shoaf, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics (1997-2014).
B.S., U. of Texas; M.S., Sacred Heart U.; M.Ph., Columbia U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Janet E. Sheets, M.L.S., Associate Professor of University Libraries (1977-2015).
A.B., College of William and Mary; M.S., U. of North Carolina.
Alden Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Classics (1994-2024).
B.A. Greek, Dickinson College; B.A. Latin, ibid.; M.A., U. of Vermont; Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania.
Calvin B. Smith, M.S., Associate Professor of Museum Studies (1983-2003).
B.S., Eastern New Mexico U.; M.S., ibid.
Mary Ruth Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Art and Art History (1993-2020).
B.S., Radford U.; M.S., U. of Tennessee, Knoxville; M.F.A., U. of Georgia; Ph.D., Florida State U.
LuAnn L. Soliah, Ph.D., Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences (1988-2012).
B.S., North Dakota State U., M.S., Kansas State U., Ph.D., Oklahoma State U.
Jim SoRelle, Ph.D., Professor of History (1980-2020).
B.A., U. of Houston; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., Kent State U.
Rufus B. Spain, Ph.D., Professor of History (1957-1988).
B.A., Mississippi College; M.A., Vanderbilt U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Lori Spies, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Nursing (2004-2024).
B.S., Texas Woman’s U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., The U. of Texas at Arlington.
Ron Stanke, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics (1985-2020).
B.A., U. of California; M.S., ibid., Ph.D., ibid.
Kathryn Steely, D.M., Professor of Viola (1994-2024).
B.M., Bethel College; M.M., The Cleveland Institute of Music; D.M., Northwestern U.
Joan Supplee, Ph.D., The Ralph L. and Bessie Mae Lynn Associate Professor of History (1992-2020).
B.A., Beaver College; M.A., Louisiana State U.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
David Swenson, J.D., Professor of Law and the George G. Kelly Professor of Law (1982-2017).
B.A., Iowa State U.; J.D., U. of Michigan.
Charles H. Talbert, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Religion (1996-2012).
B.A., Samford U.; B.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.
John F. Tanner, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing (1988-2015).
B.B.A., U. of North Texas; M.B.A., ibid., Ph.D., U. of Georgia.
C. William Thomas, Professor of Accounting and Business Law and Master Teacher (1971-2020).
B.B.A., Baylor U.; M.B.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
F. Eugene Tidmore, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics (1963-1965, 1971-2004).
B.S., Hardin-Simmons U.; M.S., Oklahoma State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Brad Toben, LL.M., Dean of the Baylor School of Law (1983-2023).
B.A., U. of Missouri, St. Louis; J.D., Baylor U.; LL.M., Harvard Law School.
Charles M. Tolbert, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology (1957-1993).
B.A., Mississippi College; M.A., U. of North Carolina; Ph.D., Louisiana State U.
Charles M. Tolbert II, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology (2000-2021).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D. U. of Georgia.
S. Kay Toombs, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy (1990-2001).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., Rice U.
William R. Trail, J.D., Professor and The Darrell L. Keith Professor of Law and Medicine (1982-2006).
B.A., Michigan State U.; J.D., U. of Virginia.
Jack Tubbs, Ph.D., Professor of Statistics (2003-2024).
B.S., Eastern New Mexico U.; M.S., Texas Tech U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Elisabeth J. Umble, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management (2001-2002, 2002-2020).
B.S., Baylor U.; J.D., ibid.; M.S., ibid.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
M. Michael Umble, Ph.D., Professor of Management (1978-2018).
B.S., Louisiana State U.; J.D., ibid.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Karl A. Umlauf, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Artist in Residence (1989-2015).
B.F.A., U. of Texas; M.F.A., Cornell U.
John Van Cura, D.M., Professor of Vocal Studies (1986-2005).
B.M., Peabody Conservatory of Music; M.M., ibid.; D.M., Florida State U.
Kenneth Van Treuren, DPhil, Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1998-2024).
B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy; M.S., Princeton University; DPhil, U. of Oxford.
Robert W. Vargas, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science (1985-2003).
B.S., The College of William & Mary; Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Randal L. Vaughn, Ph.D., Professor of Information Systems (1982-2018).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Texas, Arlington.
Joseph F. Vélez, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish (1971-2001).
B.A., Howard Payne College; M.A., U. of Oklahoma; Ph.D., ibid.
Dianna M. Vitanza, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English (1982-2019).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.A., U. of Houston; Ph.D., Northern Illinois U.
Darrell S. Vodopich, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology (1981-2015).
B.S., East Carolina U.; M.A., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of South Florida.
Patricia D. Wallace, Ph.D., Professor of History (1973-2009).
B.A., Southern Methodist U.; M.A., U. of Texas; Ph.D., ibid.
Janelle Walter, Ph.D., Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences (1979-2020).
B.S., U. of Houston; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., Iowa State U.
Jerry Waltman, Ph.D., The R. W. Morrison Professor of Political Science (2003-2020).
B.A. Louisiana Tech U.; M.A., U. of Denver, Ph.D.; Indiana U.
Ken-Hsi Wang, Ph.D., Professor of Physics (1966-2003).
B.A., International Christian U., Tokyo, Japan; Ph.D., Yale U.
James M. Warren, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering (1981-1998).
B.S., Texas A&M U.; M.S., Arizona State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Julian F. Watkins II, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1964-1997).
B.S., U. of Arkansas; M.S., Kansas State U.; Ph.D., ibid.
William A. Weeks, D.B.A., Professor of Marketing (1987-2018).
B.S., Central Michigan U.; M.B.A ibid.; D.B.A., Indiana U.
Mary K. "Suzy" Weems, Ph.D., Professor of Nutrition Sciences (2005-2020).
B.S., Baylor U.; M.S., Texas Tech U.; Ph.D., ibid.
Kathy Whipple, Ph.D., Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders (1986-2020).
B.S.E., Ouachita Baptist U.; M.S., Southern Methodist U.; Ph.D., Memphis State U.
Joseph White, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1998-2024).
B.A., Texas Christian U.; M.S., ibid.; Ph.D., U. of Montana.
James B. Williams, D.M.A., Professor of Piano and Director of Keyboard Studies (1973-2014).
B.M., U. of Cincinnati; M.M., ibid.; D.M.A., ibid.
Kenneth T. Wilkins, Ph.D., Professor of Biology (1983-2022).
B.A., U. Texas at Arlington; M.A., Texas A&M U.; Ph.D., U. of Florida.
W. C. Williams, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology (1976-1991).
B.A., U. of Northern Iowa; M.S.E., Drake U.; Ph.D., Iowa State U.
James L. Williamson, Ed.D., Professor of Educational Leadership and The Fred and Edith Hale Emeritus Professor in Education (1990-2003).
B.A., Baylor U.; M.Ed., U. of North Texas; Ed.D., ibid.
G.W.K. Willis, Ph.D., Professor of Information Systems (1984-2018).
B.B.A., Texas A&M.; M.B.A., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.
Darryn Willoughby, Ph.D., Professor of Health, Human Performance and Recreation (2004-2020).
B.S., Tarleton State U.; M.Ed., ibid.; Ph.D., Texas A&M U.
James E. Wood, Jr., Ph.D., The Simon and Ethel Bunn Distinguished Professor of Church-State Studies (1955-1973, 1980-1999).
B.A., Carson-Newman College; M.A., Columbia U.; B.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.M., ibid.; Ph.D., ibid.; LL.D. (Hon.), Seinan Gakuin U.
John A. Wood, Ph.D., Professor of Religion (1981-2004).
B.A., Columbia Bible College; B.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Baylor U.
Ralph C. Wood, Ph.D., Professor of Theology and Literature (1998-2021).
B.A., East Texas State U.; M.A., ibid.; M.A., U. of Chicago; Ph.D., ibid.
Randy Wood, Ph.D., Professor of Curriculum and Instruction (1985-2024).
B.A., English, Baylor U.; B.A., Political Science, ibid.; M.Ed., Texas Christian U.; M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Baylor U.
Dean Young, Ph.D., Professor of Statistics (1980-2024).
B.A., Texas Tech U.; M.S., Physical Education, Baylor U.; M.S., Mathematics, ibid.; Ph.D., The U. of Texas at Dallas.
Karin Waugh Zucker, L.L.M., Professor of Healthcare Administration (2004-2023).
B.A., Quincy College; M.A., Boston College; JD, U. of Missouri (Kansas City); MFS, George Washington U.; LLM, ibid.