Faculty Handbook
We hope this handbook will serve as a useful reference guide throughout your employment at Baylor. It includes the policies, procedures, and websites that are of common interest to faculty and academic administrators. Note that this handbook is not intended to be either an official policy and procedures manual or a contractual document. It is thus not a part of any contractual commitment (expressed or implied), nor is it intended to create any legally enforceable obligations. The terms and conditions of faculty members' contracts are established by the letter of appointment signed by the president of Baylor University and by the applicable provisions of the Baylor University policy library.
This Faculty Handbook supersedes and replaces all previous faculty handbooks with a prior date of publication. The handbook does not replace or modify in any way the provisions of the Baylor University Personnel Policy Manual.
Table of Contents
Faculty Handbook History |
Evaluation, Tenure, Promotion, and Compensation Policies and Procedures Related to Faculty Employment at Baylor Information Technology Services |