Provost Newsletter - July 2024
Dear Colleagues,
The 2023-2024 academic year has been another very productive season for faculty hiring. In all, we have hired 111 new full-time faculty. Of these, 60 were tenured or tenure-track faculty, 23 were lecturers, 23 were clinical faculty, and five were librarians. This number may increase slightly before fall as we have a few more offers still pending. In addition, some of the notable academic leadership external hires include:
- Toby Brooks, director of the Academy for Teaching and Learning (coming from Texas Tech University Health Science Center).
- Rebecca Files, professor and department chair of accounting and business law (coming from the University of Texas at Dallas).
- Karen Foli, the Louise Herrington Endowed Chair in Mental Health (coming from Purdue University).
- Bree Jimenez, professor and chair of educational psychology (coming from the University of Texas at Arlington).
- Elisabeth Kincaid, director of the Institute for Faith and Learning (coming from Loyola University New Orleans).
- Meredith Quinene, program director, physician’s assistant studies (coming from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio).
- Kevin Sanders, dean of the School of Music (coming from the University of Memphis).
- Michael VanNieuwenhze, Floyd F. Davidson Endowed Memorial Professorship in Biology and department chair (coming from Indiana University).
We continue to make progress in our efforts to provide our students with faculty who are committed to Baylor’s Christian mission, generate high-impact research, are excellent teachers, and come from a variety of perspectives and life experiences. Once again, this is a cohort of faculty that will contribute to enhancing the diversity of the faculty body overall. This is important for many reasons, but it is especially important this fall as we anticipate about a 4% increase in underrepresented minority first-year students.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, we expect to conduct more than 130 full-time faculty searches. We have already begun preparing search committees for some changes that will add more consistency, rigor, and fairness to our procedures while continuing to prioritize our Christian mission.
We have one important academic leadership search that will launch in the fall – the search for a new dean of the Graduate School. This search will be chaired by Dean Shanna Hagan-Burke of the School of Education. Stay tuned for more information on this important appointment.
Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D.
Academic Affairs Announcements
Welcoming New Deans
The Office of the Provost is delighted to welcome two new academic deans to Baylor, who began their service on July 1. Jeremy Counseller, J.D. will be serving as dean of the Baylor Law School, and Dr. Kevin Sanders will serve as dean of the School of Music.
Dr. Eric Robinson and Dr. Rishi Sriram Appointed as Interim Associate Vice Provosts for Academic Affairs
Dr. Eric Robinson, associate professor of educational psychology, and Dr. Rishi Sriram, associate professor of higher education and student affairs, have been appointed interim associate vice provosts for academic affairs for the 2024-2025 academic year. Their appointments are effective August 1. Learn more about these special appointments online.
August Doctoral Commencement Ceremony
August 16, 4:30 p.m.
In celebration of the significant accomplishments of our growing number of doctoral graduates, Baylor University is pleased to establish a new commencement tradition – an exclusive ceremony honoring all research doctoral graduates (PhD, EdD, PsyD, and DSc) at the new Mark and Paula Hurd Welcome Center. Learn more about this new ceremony by visiting the Commencement website.
David Brooks Returning to Baylor
We are excited to announce that the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost will host David Brooks on September 10 for a day-long slate of events and activities. Mr. Brooks is a best-selling author, columnist, and commentator, as well as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Given his knowledge of present-day politics and foreign affairs, we expect his visit will continue to foster the spirit of respect and understanding that undergirds President Livingstone’s Baylor Conversation Series on civil discourse. We encourage you to read Mr. Brooks’ latest book, “How to Know a Person,” and find ways to integrate the materials into your courses.
The evening keynote lecture with Mr. Brooks will be free and open to the public, but a ticket will be required for admission for all attendees, including Baylor students, faculty, and staff. A clear bag policy will also be in effect. Tickets will be available beginning in August.
Vice Provost’s Corner
Vice Provost for Global Engagement
New Home for Center for Global Engagement
The Center for Global Engagement (CGE) has moved to the first floor of the east wing of the Sid Richardson Building. There you will find Study Abroad, International Student and Scholar Services, the Global Gateway Program, and Global Baylor. CGE will invite the campus community to an open house this fall (date to be determined) to see the new space.
Vice Provost for Research
Innovation and Economic Development
Innovation and Economic Development is a new office in OVPR that handles intellectual property management, startup and innovation support, and technology commercialization. The department’s five core functions are:
- Providing resources and services to support applied research and technology development.
- Offering programs to equip aspiring entrepreneurs and launch startups.
- Pursuing intellectual property protection.
- Connecting research and innovation with commercial success.
- Strengthening our local technology and innovation ecosystems.
To learn more, visit or follow Innovation and Economic Development on LinkedIn and Instagram.
PI Responsibilities for Sponsor Audits
Most sponsors require periodic progress reports, and PIs are responsible for the fulfillment of this responsibility. Individual reporting schedules can be found in the Notice of Award and are noted in CARA. Post-Award in OVPR oversees our compliance in this area, and it is desirable that Post-Award financial analysts submit these reports when possible; however, please notify them when reports are otherwise submitted by the PI at, as this is a part of Baylor’s annual audit. Email Sara Golden with questions.
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Academic Affairs
Academy for Teaching and Learning (ATL)
Please consider the following opportunities from the ATL:
- Teaching with AI Playground, Thursday, August 15. Due to demand, we are scheduling another opportunity for guided experimentation with AI in your teaching. Registeronline.
- Jump Start Teaching Workshop (formerly known as Adjunct Teaching Workshop), August 17, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This workshop is for ALL faculty who want to brush up in preparation for the fall semester. It will highlight effective course design, teaching, and assessment practices.
- Call for AI teaching experiences. Do you have an activity, assignment, or assessment incorporating AI that you’d like to share with Baylor colleagues? Email Dr. Christopher Richmann to share your experiences.
Spotlight on the Academy
George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Truett’s 30th Anniversary Celebration
August 27, First Baptist Church Waco, Hurd Welcome Center, & George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Join Truett Seminary at Truett’s 30th Anniversary Celebration. During this event, the Truett community will reflect upon the Seminary’s history, enjoy worship and fellowship, and consider a hope-filled future marked by growth and development.
African American Preaching Conference
September 24-26, Truett Seminary
Truett Seminary invites you to the Kyle Lake Center for Effective Preaching's annual African American Preaching Conference! Shaped by 30 African American leaders, this conference features nine nationally noted speakers focused on the themes and issues that underscore the profound impact and influence of preaching in African American churches.
Important Academic Dates
Additional deadlines are available on the Academic Units Deadlines calendar.
- August 6- Academic Leadership Seminar.
- August 16- Chair Leadership Retreat (all chairs).
- August 16- Doctoral Commencement Ceremony.
- August 17- Summer Commencement Ceremony.
- August 19-20- New Faculty Orientation.
- August 23- Convocation.
- August 24- Faculty Senate Retreat.
- August 26- First Day of Class.
- September 5- Fall Faculty Meeting.
- September 10- David Brooks visit.
- September 17- Faculty and Staff of Color Welcome Reception.
Previous issues of the Provost Newsletter can be accessed on the Office of the Provost website.