Provost Newsletter - August 2024

August 12, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

It’s time to ring in a new academic year. There will be new faces on campus and new opportunities to engage with one another in fulfilling Baylor’s mission to “educate young men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community.”

My top three reasons for enthusiasm about the fall 2024 semester:

  1. We are launching the new strategic plan. After a year of listening, reading, brainstorming, praying, advocating, and vetting, we will reveal the new plan at the forthcoming faculty meeting on September 5 at 3 p.m. in the Hurd Center. Drawing on the strength of our successes with Illuminate, Baylor’s strategic plan launched in 2018, we “let our light shine before others, so that they may see our good works and give glory to our Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. Schools, colleges, and divisions will develop plans to align with the university’s strategic plan during the fall semester.
  2. We are on track to perhaps set a record for first-to-second-year retention at Baylor, with the current projection sitting at 91.0%. We also anticipate setting a record for our highest 4-year graduation rates, with a current projection of 71.6%. These are hard-won successes due in part to the persistent and professional work of our advisors and programs and initiatives created within the colleges.
  3. The advances in technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), offer substantial opportunities for us to improve how we go about our research, teaching, and operations across the university. Dr. Daniel Pack, dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science, has been meeting with a committee of faculty and staff to develop guidelines and a set of resources for your use this fall. We will also have opportunities for you to learn more about these technologies through the Academy for Teaching and Learning. I encourage all of you to consider how emerging technologies can advance the work of your academic unit in your strategic planning.

I hope to see you all at the Fall Faculty Meeting at the Hurd Center on September 5, with a reception at 3 p.m. and program beginning at 3:30 p.m. for the unveiling of the new strategic plan!


Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D.

Academic Affairs Announcements

Faculty Ombuds Announced

We are excited to announce that Dr. Joaquin N. Lugo, a professor of psychology and neuroscience, has been appointed as the new faculty ombuds at Baylor University. His appointment began on July 1. The faculty ombuds acts as a supporter for all university faculty members. For more information about the position, please refer to BU-PP 723. We extend our gratitude to Dr. Lugo for taking on this role. We would also like to thank the search committee who worked during the late spring and early summer to get this position filled.

The Office of the Provost also expresses its appreciation to Dr. Kevin Pinney, the outgoing faculty ombuds, for his dedicated six years of service to the faculty.

Faculty Retirement Planning Program

The University is concluding the Faculty Retirement Planning Program. The last date to sign up will be November 15, 2024. A list of FAQs has been created to provide further information.

David Brooks Returning to Baylor

We are excited to announce that the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost will host David Brooks on September 10 for a special event on campus at 6:30 p.m. in the Hurd Welcome Center. Mr. Brooks is a best-selling author, columnist, commentator, and member of the American Academy of the Arts and Sciences. Given his knowledge of present-day politics and foreign affairs, we expect his visit will foster the spirit of respect and understanding that undergirds President Livingstone's Baylor Conversation Series on civil discourse.

Tickets for the evening lecture with David Brooks
The lecture is free, but a ticket is required for admission. Seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, and we expect a high demand. Baylor University’s clear bag policy and other security protocols will be in use, and sign language interpretation will be available.

  • Faculty/Staff: Free tickets are available now. You are welcome to bring guests.
  • Baylor students: Baylor students will need to secure tickets through their online student account, similar to securing tickets for campus events like All University Sing and athletics. Student tickets will be available beginning August 28.

We have heard that many faculty members want their students to attend this lecture, and we are committed to ensuring ample seating for this event. If you plan to require or incentivize student attendance, please let the provost's chief of staff, Dr. Kristina Campos-Davis, know how many tickets your students will need. Students will still need to secure tickets on their own, but an email from you will help us with planning.

For online Baylor students, faculty and staff, a virtual opportunity will be made available and additional details will be shared soon.

Readers Meet the Author 2024-2025 Slate Announced

We are delighted to announce the authors for this year’s “Readers Meet the Author” events – Drs. Elesha Coffman, Kim Kellison, Terry York, Elise Edwards, and David Bridge. To learn more about their books, event dates, and conversation partners, please visit the Readers Meet the Author webpage.

Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Achievement (URSA) News

In the Office of Engaged Learning, the URSA program administers research grants to undergraduate students from all disciplines to support research activities, including supplies, travel, and work-study. URSA research proposals are submitted by a student with assistance from a faculty mentor. Please encourage your students to apply. Learn more at the URSA Grant Guidelines page or contact us. Upcoming deadlines are below:

  • August 15: Mini-research grant proposals for September awards ($500).
  • November 22: 2025 Spring Grants ($2,500).
  • January 31, 2025: 2025-2026 Grants ($5,000).

Vice Provost’s Corner

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Syllabus Statements 
As you prepare for the start of a new semester, please review the recommended syllabus statements document on the Office of the Provost’s website. There is plenty of helpful language in the document which you can easily cut and paste into your own syllabus, as well as some recommendations for good practices you may wish to introduce.

Master Teacher Nominations 
Master teacher appointments are the highest honor granted to faculty members for sustained excellence in teaching at Baylor University. Nominations for master teachers can be sent to your unit’s dean no later than October 4. Application requirements and nomination procedures are available online.

Professional Development: Teaching with Library Partnerships 
September 20, 2 p.m., Moody 104 (event will also be livestreamed) 
All faculty are invited to a professional development event to learn more about teaching digital literacy and using library special collections in teaching. Mark your calendar - registration will be available in the September Provost’s Newsletter.

Cornelia Marschall Smith Lecture
September 13, 3:30 p.m., Foyer of Meditation, Armstrong Browning Library (2nd floor) 
Join the Office of the Provost as we welcome Dr. Stephen Sloan, the 2024 Cornelia Marschall Smith Professor of the Year awardee. Reception to follow – all are welcome!

Vice Provost or Institutional Research and Professional Education

Fuel Program Innovation with GPE Incubator Fund
The new GPE Incubator Fund is designed to fuel innovative degree and certificate ideas that will shape the future of graduate education. This fund empowers you to transform your creative ideas into tomorrow's programs. With GPE's support, you will have the necessary resources to develop pioneering offerings that fill future career needs. Want to learn more? Submit an interest form online.

Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Academic Affairs

Academy for Teaching and Learning (ATL)

  • The ATL celebrates Dr. Christopher Richmann on his new role as associate director for the Academy of Teaching and Learning, effective August 1. Dr. Richmann also recently completed his newest book, “Authority, Passion, and Subject-Centered Teaching: A Christian Pedagogical Philosophy”, which is available for pre-order through Routledge Publishers.
  • Teaching with AI Playground, August 15 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.(on Zoom). Due to demand, we are scheduling another opportunity for guided experimentation with AI in your teaching. Register for this event online.
  • Course-building Retreat, August 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (hybrid). This one-day event provides time, community, accountability, and immediate on-call assistance to prepare for your fall courses.

Paul L. Foster Success Center

Update Regarding Pathfinders Undergraduate Research Exploration Program (Pathfinders) 
The Pathfinders Program application opens on August 22. Pathfinders provides undergraduate students in their first year at Baylor with the tools and resources necessary to identify research opportunities, gain professional development, and build connections with faculty. If you have students interested in participating, please refer them to the Pathfinders website for more information.

Office of the Registrar

Fall Grading Schedule – *New* 
Due to a limited number of official business days following the end of the Fall semester, a condensed grading schedule has been approved to allow the University time to certify and award degrees and process other administrative duties prior to Christmas. Please take time to review and be prepared to have grades entered by the fall 2024 grading deadlines online. Be sure to plan accordingly as you prepare your syllabi.

Spotlight on the Academy

George W. Truett Theological Seminary

Truett’s 30th Anniversary Celebration
August 27, First Baptist Church Waco, Hurd Welcome Center, & George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Join Truett Seminary at Truett’s 30th Anniversary Celebration. During this event, the Truett community will reflect upon the Seminary’s history, enjoy worship and fellowship, and consider a hope-filled future marked by growth and development.

African American Preaching Conference
September 24-26, Truett Seminary
Truett Seminary invites you to the Kyle Lake Center for Effective Preaching's annual African American Preaching Conference! Shaped by 30 African American leaders, this conference features nine nationally noted speakers focused on the themes and issues that underscore the profound impact and influence of preaching in African American churches.

School of Music

The School of Music Hosts Pianist Nicholas Ho 
Please join us for a guest recital on Friday, August 30, at 7:30 p.m. in Roxy Grove Hall. Come enjoy the free performance of Singaporean pianist and composer Nicholas Ho, who has appeared throughout Asia and North America in both capacities.

Important Academic Dates

Additional deadlines are available on the Academic Units Deadlines calendar.

Previous issues of the Provost Newsletter can be accessed on the Office of the Provost website.