Provost's Newsletter - May 2022

May 9, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations to Dr. Les Palich and Dr. Candi Cann, who have both been named Fulbright U.S. Scholars!

  • Dr. Les Palich will be working with the entrepreneurship faculty at Dublin City University in Ireland to study the ethical standards of Irish small business owners and entrepreneurs.
  • Dr. Candi Cann will be working with the faculty in the Theology department at Hannam University in Taejon, South Korea. She will be studying how Korean hospital funeral homes have impacted attitudes in Korea toward health and wellness management when hospitals are responsible for both the care of the living and the dead.

Awards like the Fulbright are beneficial not only for the faculty member but also for the university. They make our work more visible. With our standing as an R1 institution, Baylor faculty will be more competitive for prestigious national awards. I want to encourage you to think about awards for which you can apply. There are over 950 awards for which Baylor faculty can qualify; a full list is available here. The Center for Global Engagement is willing to help any faculty who would like to apply for a Fulbright U.S. Scholars award (please contact Grace Semple-Paul for more information).

I also ask that department chairs keep track of the requirements for awards most relevant to their discipline and prepare their faculty to apply for them. There are specific requirements for many of these awards. For example, I believe Baylor has faculty who would be competitive as American Psychological Science Fellows or as American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellows. Yet, both of these awards require membership and AAAS requires a nomination by another Fellow. My office can provide you with an analysis of relevant awards and faculty in your department who appear to be best positioned to compete successfully for each award. Please contact Dr. Kristina Campos-Davis, Chief of Staff to the Provost, for more information.

The R1 designation reminded us of something we have long known at Baylor - we indeed have outstanding faculty. Now it is time to share that news more broadly. It is time for our faculty to shine!

All the best,

Nancy Brickhouse


Spring Commencement

May 13-14, The Ferrell Center

Baylor faculty are encouraged to attend commencement ceremonies and march in the processions to show support and encouragement to the degree candidates.


Vice Provosts' Corner

Vice Provost for Research

  • Waco Family Medicine Research Agreement
    Many Baylor faculty have enjoyed a longstanding, beneficial research relationship with Waco Family Medicine, which was previously known as Waco Family Health Center before a March 2021 reorganization. That reorganization affords the opportunity to examine and reframe previous agreements between Baylor and Waco Family Medicine under a new master agreement going forward. Learn more about the new agreement and how the faculty will continue these significant partnerships going forward.

Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

  • Academy for Teaching and Learning (ATL)
    • There's a new Faculty Interest Group (FIG) this Fall for STEM faculty! Join the ATL for a FIG focusing on STEM Education Research and Practice. Find out more information at
    • Discover teaching insights from your Baylor colleagues by listening to "Professors Talk Pedagogy." In the most recent episode, Sarah Mosher (Theatre Arts) discusses "Critical Pedagogy in the Arts." Listen here:
  • Syllabus Statements Document
    As faculty prepare their syllabi for summer and fall courses, they should be sure to take advantage of the recommended syllabus statements document. This website is updated each July to reflect the fall semester, outlining all of the statements (and related information) that need to be included in all syllabi.
  • Fall 2022 Academic Convocation
    The Convocation Committee encourages you to attend and participate in the Fall Academic Convocation on Friday, August 19, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Ferrell Center. This important ceremony marks the formal welcome of our 177th incoming undergraduate class. Dr. Jared Alcántara, Professor of Preaching and holder of the Paul W. Powell Endowed Chair in Preaching, will deliver this year's keynote address.

    All faculty members who attend will march in a commencement-like procession and should plan to wear regalia. If you do not have regalia, you can rent regalia by completing the information on the Regalia Request Form and emailing it to Mary Ann Robinson at the Baylor Bookstore. Please submit the form no later than July 8. She can also be reached at 254-710-4807.

    Please mark your calendars now; Convocation is scheduled during the week before Fall classes when many faculty are just returning from summer travels. We respectfully request that departments consider scheduling meetings around the morning of Friday, August 19, so as to allow for full faculty participation.

Vice Provost for Institutional Research and Professional Education

  • Baylor's Online Masters in Public Health Program Recognized in Fortune Magazine Rankings
    The Masters in Public Health online program was recognized as one of the top 10 in the April 2022, Fortune online program ranking. Ranked as number eight, Baylor's online Graduate Professional Education MPH has been identified as one of the best programs for students to select as they advance their education and career calling. Congratulations to the faculty, staff, and administration of this program!

Important Academic Deadlines

  • May 30- Memorial Day (University holiday).
  • May 31- End of the fiscal year (see communications in Ignite for important dates and deadlines).
  • June 1- Student learning assessment reports due to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
  • June 20- Juneteenth (University holiday).
  • June 23 & August 4- Academic Leadership Seminars (by invitation only to deans, chairs/directors, graduate program directors; please choose one date).
  • July 22- Dean O'Neal's Retirement Reception.

Spotlight on the Academy

Hankamer School of Business

  • HSB Announces 2022 Faculty Award Recipients
    The William E. Crenshaw Endowed Dean Sandeep Mazumder announced this year's Hankamer School of Business Faculty Award recipients for teaching, service, and scholarship. Additionally, one HSB faculty member was honored by the University Faculty Awards Committee for excellence in teaching.

School of Music

  • Semper Pro Musica Events in New York City
    This May in New York City, the School of Music will present the winners of the 2022 Semper Pro Musica Organ Competition at The Brick Presbyterian Church and the Semper Pro Musica Solo (May 25, 7:30 p.m.) and Chamber Music Competition in Weill Recital Hall at the Carnegie Hall Complex (May 26, 8:00 p.m.) Tickets are available at the door or through the Carnegie Box Office, Carnegie Charge (212-247-7800), or

University Libraries

  • Moody Starbucks to Close for Renovations
    On Saturday, May 14 the Starbucks Coffee location in Moody Memorial Library will close for remodeling. A completely new - and larger - Starbucks will re-open in August prior to the start of the fall term. Visit and select the "Coffee Shops" tab to discover alternative on-campus coffee options during the summer.
  • Liaison Program Survey
    The Baylor Libraries lead as an innovative research library that undergirds scholarship, fosters teaching and learning, and builds communities. The Libraries act on this mission through the Liaison Program by assigning Research and Engagement librarians to serve each school, department, and program on campus.

    The Libraries value faculty input and ask for your help by taking this brief and anonymous survey evaluating the Liaison Program to help assess and improve support of campus programs and the academic mission of the university.